Deadly Encounters #3

I see a mounted Crow warrior on a coloured war pony; if I am to make it out of this Crow stronghold alive I need that horse. The mounted brave is too far away for me to jump him so I have no choice but to let him see me, his enemy, who he will try and kill on sight but I am surely no match for a mounted brave with a war lance.

I start to run within his line of sight towards a large rocky outcrop and I see him immediately react by spurring his war pony into a gallop straight towards me with his lance held at the ready to impale me. I manage to make it to the outcrop and start to climb up as he makes thrusting jabs at my naked torso. I just manage to avoid these thrusts with my agile body moving from side to side until he can no longer reach me with the tip of the lance. I then turn my body around to face the annoyed Crow brave, provocatively exposing my naked belly towards his ineffective lance. I pull my knife at him in the unlikely hope he will take up my Mano a Mano challenge which just seems to anger him more, his agitation being picked up by his horse which starts to toss its head from side to side. In desperation I pull my loincloth aside and, grasping my manhood, start to make water in his direction. He spits at me and reaches for his tomahawk but then suddenly brings his lance up in a throwing stance instead which is just what I wanted him to do. 

I am dead unless I time this right, so I keep as still as my nerves will allow and …. Whoosh … his lance is released at me and my coiled reaction triggers to just avoid it from penetrating my chest. I also manage to catch it before it clatters back down the rocks for him to recover and I quickly grasp it and align it ready to throw at the brave who is now turning his pony away to avoid being run through with his own lance. But the agitated animal is not as responsive as the Crow needs and, as the pony turns him back towards me, I throw the lance... Whoosh … From my elevated position the lance penetrates the brave’s naked war painted left side abdominals in a downward direction, “Aaarrrggghhh!!” he cries as the frightened pony rears up throwing its rider to the ground. I desperately try to calm the animal as I rapidly descend the outcrop but it is too late as the war pony I so desperately needed makes off at a gallop. 

The Crow brave is lying on his back squirming with the lance still deep in his side. On my approach he draws his knife at me but I easily avoid his slashing action as I grasp the lance’s shaft and viciously tear it from his body, “Urrrggghhh!!” The brave’s teeth are clenched with the pain of his injury as the war paint on his belly is being obscured by the blood pulsing from his wound. I look straight into his pained brown eyes and say, “You lost me my ride back to my people, now you die Crow!” With both hands I bring the point of his own lance down into his navel >Shhhkt< “Eaaarrrggghhh!!” He again squirms and thrashes like a speared fish as I move the shaft around into his viscera. Then, with an arching of his back and a shudder, his body goes limp and I recover the lance now coated in his blood and gore which I wipe off onto his loincloth.

Tales of the Wild West #3

  A prairie town in Utah Territory circa 1880. Six outlaws have killed the sheriff and his deputies and for weeks have been terrorising the ...