Tales of the Wild West #3

 A prairie town in Utah Territory circa 1880. Six outlaws have killed the sheriff and his deputies and for weeks have been terrorising the townsfolk and indulging their pleasures at will. Ever since sheriff Hayes was gunned down inside the saloon the townsfolk have been planning a way to rid themselves of these outlaws. If one or two were to be killed the remaining outlaws would wreak a terrible revenge, so it’s got to be all or none that are to be delivered citizens’ justice. This day at high noon, after weeks of watching their every move, those plans are about to be put into action… 

Outlaw Jim Coffey 22 - wanted dead…

The outlaw Jim Coffey is soaking in a steel bathtub in his hotel room when his door is suddenly kicked in by two burly townsfolk. When they start shooting Jim rapidly exits the tub causing it to tip up and shield him from a volley of bullets. He stretches out from its cover to grab his revolver but is hit in his right side, the bullet passing straight through his oblique muscle. When his assassins see he now has his gun they step back into the cover of the hall. Clutching at his bleeding side Jim grabs this opportunity and makes for the open first floor window and throws his wet naked form through it to land on a lower shingled roof. As shots are again fired at him from the window he jumps to the ground making for cover and disappearing under the adjacent general store foundation. Bleeding and in pain Jim makes his way through the low elevated foundations by crawling on his belly like a snake. He can hear his pursuers say, “He’s wounded and can’t git far!” and “A wounded animal is more dangerous so shoot the varmint on sight!”

The wounded naked outlaw knows where he should be making for but thinks his chances of making it there are slim…

Outlaw Buck Cooper 19 - wanted dead…

The cocky outlaw has just left the saloon through the back door. He wears an open short brown leather waistcoat, which shows off his sinewy youthful physique, and western jeans with his gun strung low. There is a damp patch formed over the bulge in his jeans caused by his cock still oozing from his latest conquest with two of the saloon’s scarlet ladies; yet the handsome Buck is equally as popular with the guys.

From behind him Buck hears the unmistakable click of a single action revolver being cocked… “Git yer hands in the air son or I’ll shoot yer in the back!” Buck’s instincts are to go for his gun but then he hears a younger voice… “Let me shoot him in the belly pa!” and he now knows that two guns are levelled at him. Buck slowly raises his hands causing his midriff to be fully exposed as a hand reaches around to remove his gun from its holster. Buck turns to see a gangly youth levelling his own pistol at his belly and his pa doing likewise. Buck says,“You’re dead men! my gang’s gonna kill ya and half the town for this.” The youth says, “He don’t know pa…can I kill him in the belly?” His pa replies, “Ya knows we gotta wait boy!” “But can I do it then pa?…I’m a aching to do it!” A damp patch now starts to show on the youth’s crotch as he explores Buck’s deep belly button with the revolver’s barrel. 

Just then shots are heard elsewhere and the youth looks at his pa who simply nods. The youth rubs Buck’s naked belly saying, “That tight belly meat ain’t gonna stop hot lead from burning yer guts!” The youth’s blue eyes fixes Buck’s green eyes as the revolver is fired, point blank, into Buck’s stretched navel. The force doubles him up as he is flung to the ground. Buck rolls onto his back and starts writhing, his whole body convulsing as he arches his exposed torso upwards off the ground, stabbing at his belly wound with his fingers. The youth says, “Hey pa, he’s gonna burst outta his jeans!” as he notices Buck’s bulge getting larger and then… “He’s done creamed his jeans now pa!” the youth says, hiding his own crotch from his father’s gaze. When Buck is still the two take hold of a leg and drag his lithe body away with his waistcoat trailing backwards under his head.

Outlaw Frank Miller 27 - wanted dead…

Axel, the 18 year old stable boy has routinely been the victim of sexual assault by the outlaw Frank. This day though Axel is making sure that Frank won’t be able to resist the lure of his youthful body…

Frank has made his way over to the stables and peers through the door. There he sees Axel wearing only leather chaps but otherwise naked with a bare ass and his manhood on display. Axel is busy grooming a stallion, his sweat making his skin glisten from the sunlight through the open stable door. Frank can hardly constrain himself but then, as Axel starts to clean smegma from the stallion’s sheath, Frank starts to touch his own hard cock. He then quickly strips off his clothes and takes his knife to sneak up on Axel.

From behind Axel Frank says, “l’m a hankering for some of that action boy!” As Axel turns towards him Frank holds his knife over Axel’s glistening abs, “Don’t go getting any ideas about trying to stop me cos I’ll gut yer good!” Frank uses the knife’s blade to slowly outline Axel’s abdominals and pauses at his navel, probing it with the blade’s tip; this causes Axel to suck his belly away from the knife. “Well stable boy, this stallion needs yer attention now!” Axel holds out his hand and grabs onto Frank’s manhood causing Frank to relax his knife hand away from Axel’s belly. Axel gets down on his knees in front of Frank but then uses his other hand to recover a hidden curved paring knife from under the straw. Then Axel pulls Frank by his cock forcibly towards him and, at the same time, hooks the sharp curved blade deep into Frank’s navel and pulls it downwards ripping open his naked belly to the base of his cock. As Frank is instantly eviscerated he looks down in shock at the sight of his entrails sliding out over his still erect cock. He falls to his knees in front of Axel, his mouth moving as if to speak but only managing a gurgling noise before he slumps, dead, into his own guts.

Axel goes over to the forge and takes from it a red hot branding iron with the capital letter ‘A’ formed on it. He then uses his foot to turn Frank onto his side and, with a steaming sizzle, brands his rump with the ‘A’ and says, “I own your ass now Frank!”

Outlaw Quinn Cartwright 28 - wanted dead…

Quinn is in room 6 of the saloon with two young guys. He is on the bed lying atop one guy rubbing his hard cock rhythmically against his while the other guy is behind him. As their thrusting becomes more intense the other guy puts a strap around Quinn’s neck and starts pulling it which chokes him. At first he thinks this is just an exciting fetish and allows it. But as Quinn starts to cum he is suddenly jolted backwards by the strap causing his belly to arch up off the guy. Then the guy below Quinn pulls a knife out from under the sheets and, while Quinn’s seed shoots forth, stabs upwards…once, twice, three times into his stretched taught belly while the other garrottes him with the strap.

Outlaws Virgil Williams 24 & Gil Donovan 19 - wanted dead…

Virgil and Gil are hard at it with guy on guy action in the back of a covered wagon. Suddenly they are aware that the canvass canopy of the wagon is on fire and both, grabbing their guns, jump naked and erect from the wagon. As soon as they do Virgil can see a number of armed townsfolk and raises his gun but before he can discharge his weapon two bullets sear into his guts. As Gil raises his gun multiple weapons start to be fired at the two outlaws which forces them into a macabre dance, like stringless marionettes, as bullets from all directions riddle their naked torsos. Even when they fall, dead, to the ground bullets continue to tear into them. Each now seemingly a few pounds heavier from all the lead embedded inside their carcasses they are dragged away leaving bloody trails in the dirt.

Outlaw Jim Coffey 22 - wanted dead…

Against all the odds, by making his way under a number of buildings with shots and frantic activity going on all around him, Jim makes it to his destination…the stables of the town’s corral.

There he sees the pile of bloody entrails from the recently removed Frank and his fear of meeting the same fate overwhelms him as he hides, cowering, under a pile of straw. Soon he hears a familiar voice, “You here Jim?…Jim, it’s me Axel, I’m alone!” The outlaw Jim and the town’s stable boy, Axel, have secretly been having liaisons of a sexual nature. When the wounded outlaw breaks cover he holds his gun on Axel, not knowing if his lover has betrayed him. Axel softly says, “I’d never betray yer Jim…we had plans, remember, for us both to skip town and head for the new territories in the far west…Now quit yer madness an let me tend ya wound!” Jim nods and holds his gun away from Axel. Axel gives Jim a stick to bite down on saying, “This is gonna smart some but don’t cry out or we’re both done fer.” Axel gets a hot iron from the forge and cauterises the wound while Jim bites down hard against the intense pain. Axel fetches food, water and clothes for Jim and tells him to keep hidden until he returns…

The townsfolk have dragged the carcasses of five of the six outlaws into the middle of the dusty main street and line them up and just stare at them. They slowly take in each wound in their evil hides so they can believe they’ve finally got their town back and can now live without fear. But a number still need convincing and they are allowed to stab and defile the young men’s bodies until they’ve had their fill. Some demand to know the whereabouts of the sixth outlaw to which Mayor Taylor replies, “Don’t worry none, he’s wounded bad so we’ll track him down when his rotting carcass shows us where he is!”

Soon there are two departures from the town: 

To the west a mounted Axel leads a pack horse carrying a precious concealed cargo. 

A seemingly lone drifter, who’d been watching events from the saloon, mounts his horse and spurs it on, leaving the town perimeter to the north at a gallop. In the foothills overlooking the town he meets up with the rest of his gang…a gang just waiting for an opportunity such as this to take over. A gang now with the full knowledge of how not to make the same mistakes…To this end the outlaw spy hands his gang’s leader a kill list of the townsfolk who planned their bid for freedom from tyranny. 


Tales of the Wild West #3

  A prairie town in Utah Territory circa 1880. Six outlaws have killed the sheriff and his deputies and for weeks have been terrorising the ...