Deadly Encounters #4

My encounters so far have left my loincloth stained with Crow blood and gore so I am pleased when I come across a shallow flowing river. I remove my loincloth and soak it in the flowing water which feels so good I pull myself in lying down allowing the water to flow over my naked body. Up to now I have not rested much and find the coolness and sounds of the flowing water so restful that my senses become numbed.

Suddenly I sense danger and become aware of the presence of two Crow bucks approaching the river bank. They are both naked but for leather thongs from which hang their sheathed knives and each has a bow and quivered arrows across their backs. I try to keep low in the water but I realise there is no point as the two have clearly tracked me here and are waiting for me to make the first move so, casting my loincloth aside, I slowly rise from the water. I now stand upright with the water on my copper skin glistening in the afternoon sun with my knife hanging from my own thong waistband. We stare at each other and then the two slide their bows and quivers from their war painted naked forms and lay them on the ground.

I am outnumbered two to one as the two braves draw their knives at me. One decides he will be the first to draw the blood of his enemy and he rushes at me ahead of his tribal brother who is close behind. As they enter the water running they create cascades of white water with their bare feet, their manhoods rhythmically slapping from one thigh to the other. As they close in on me I unsheathe my knife and take up a crouching stance at the first buck. As he lunges his knife at my chest I am able to parry his attack by side stepping which causes him to get within my knife’s range. I then slash him across his lower abdominals as his momentum carries him past me and he falls forward clutching at the long gash in his belly. By now the other brave is making contact with me, grasping at my knife hand while bringing his own knife upwards towards my belly. The brave’s skin is coated with buffalo grease which, with my wetness, makes our bodies slide and squirm together as we struggle to overpower each other. I feel our firm manhoods locked in their own combat and know we both are stimulated by this visceral contact.

The Crow’s war painted snarling face is so close to mine I can smell his breath. As we knife wrestle our positions are constantly changing, his blade targeting my belly then my chest and vice versa. The young buck is strong but my stamina gradually helps to overpower him as the tip of my blade catches against the ridge of his outie navel. I see the the hate in his brown eyes change to fear and then pain as my knife, overcoming his resistance, slowly enters his belly. He cries out, “Eaaarrrggghhh!!” as his naked body shudders against mine and as he weakens my blade sinks deeper into his guts. His hot blood gushes from his belly onto mine to flow off my manhood and billow into the water. I pull my bloodied knife from his guts and… >Shhhkt< I force it back into his navel, “ Urrrggghhh!!” and pull the blade from side to side until he slumps off my knife and into the water.

The other buck is now trying to crawl to the river bank still clutching at his abdominal wound. I stand over him and place my left forearm around his throat and pull his head up and back causing his body to arch backwards out of the water. I then reach my knife under his belly and stab up into his lower abdominals near his manhood and tear my knife up and into his stretched out navel. The brave shudders making a guttural gasp as his intestines spill into the water.

I move a little up river to bathe myself in water untainted by the blood and gore of my attackers.

Tales of the Wild West #3

  A prairie town in Utah Territory circa 1880. Six outlaws have killed the sheriff and his deputies and for weeks have been terrorising the ...