The Further Confessions of a Gang Member

In this barrio two rival gangs compete for dominance, my caucasian gang, the Falcons and the Cholos (Latino), Pantera (panther) gang. We are similarly dressed in that both gangs favor just open leather waistcoats exposing our torsos (think The Warriors) each with either the patch of a falcon or a panther’s head on the back.

This summer’s day I am patrolling the buffer area between our two gangs with two falcon brotherhood when we see three teenage Pantera run from us. We are all in our twenties and seasoned warriors which is probably why they ran. We set off in pursuit but when they split up I direct us to stay together and concentrate on taking just one down. We soon see our chosen enemy heading in the direction of a recently blocked off underpass and we work together to corral him there. 

Upon realising he has been trapped like a rat he pulls his switchblade, pointing it in turn at his three approaching enemies. This aggressive defensive act stirs my loins and, as I pull my own naked blade, my jeans develop a noticeable bulge. I am in the central position and, as we three Falcons close in on the youth, he backs up tight to the wall and starts wildly slashing his blade from side to side. 

The teenage Pantera has slick black hair and brown piercing eyes and his skin tone is mediterranean. He wears a greasy red bandanna apache style around his head, an open short black leather waistcoat adorned with a panther’s head and low fitting faded blue jeans. The open short waistcoat and low jeans expose his six pack abs and hair line from outie navel to low belly.

I say,

“So young panther, how long do you think your steel claw will hold us off from skinning you alive to display your hide in our crib?”

Sweat starts to channel down the midline of his abs and over his outie, noticeably wetting and darkening the hair on his happy trail while the underpass lighting makes his abs glisten and appear more profiled. I long to feel his abs flex against mine in a mortal struggle but my two Falcon brothers may just want a quick kill. However, events soon start to go in a different direction…

As we close in on him we come close enough for me to push one of my brothers towards the trapped panther saying, 

“Go get him Falcon!”

This throws my Falcon brother off balance allowing the Pantera a quick stab into his naked belly just above his belly button. He cries out in pain grasping at his wound as the Pantera follows through with another quick stab deep into his left pectoral causing him to crumple to the ground taking his last breath. The other Falcon, still holding his knife to the Pantera, stares at me in disbelief saying,

“What the fuck you doing man!?”

I watch as his gaze returns to the cornered youth when I quickly lunge, slashing my blade forcibly across my Falcon brother’s belly. He yells in pain as he collapses to his knees trying desperately to hold onto his guts before he too breathes his last.

Initially stunned and confused by my actions, the reality of the smell of the blood from his fallen enemies gives the Pantera fresh impetus. I notice that the excitement of this situation has made the tip of his swollen cock appear above the low waistband of his jeans. The Pantera becomes cocky in his attitude as well, as he says, 

“Es tu turno de morir ahora hombre…It’s your turn to die now hombre!”

Now, I may be a betrayer of my own kind in my desire for physical contact with this youth but years of street fighting has made me no fool as I toy with the inexperienced cub.

We close together and defensively grasp the knife hand of each other and I start to feel his youthful power against me. In the heat of my own excitement I allow my knife to drop to the ground. The Pantera gives me a snarling sneer as he now uses both his hands to attempt to drive his blade into me. Our struggle over the one knife brings our bodies into close contact and I feel the squirming power of his abdominals against my naked belly. As he believes he is now overpowering me by his blade getting closer to my heart I start to feel his whole body rhythmically tensing until the action of our squirming bellies becomes lubricated by an explosion of cum from his throbbing cock. I smell his hot breath as he snarls into my face in what he believes is his victory when…

I suddenly increase my defensive strength against his descending blade with my right hand and with my left reach for another concealed knife from the back of my waistband. I thrust it forward between our bellies and actually hear the tip enter the tensed muscles of his abs at his outie navel. I pull my blade out and stab twice more in rapid succession. He gasps and, as I feel the flow of his hot blood pulsing over my belly, I see the pained surprise in his brown eyes and I snarl back into his face. I then thrust my knife into his lower belly next to his still oozing cock and feel his whole body shudder as I tear the blade up through his abdominals following his happy trail to his already invaded navel. My body is flooded with intense victorious pleasure as the eviserated panther slides down against the wall to my feet. I kneel next to him taking in the vision of the fallen youth and caress parts of his anatomy that only consenting lovers would accept.

Back at the Falcons’ crib I relate how two of our brotherhood bravely fell after being outnumbered by a group of teenage Pantera. As I lay a Pantera’s bloodstained leather waistcoat on the table I recount how I took revenge upon the group’s leader to the praise of my gathered brotherhood.

El Fin


Tales of the Wild West #3

  A prairie town in Utah Territory circa 1880. Six outlaws have killed the sheriff and his deputies and for weeks have been terrorising the ...